Welcome to the 2021-2022 Season

Welcome back to sunny Black Rock RV Village!

It is nice to see new faces and old friends returning to the park and area for the 2021-2022 winter season. We hope to open up more activities, however CDC guidelines will prevail. Let’s all do our part to end this pandemic!

Summer was hot, hot as usual. But we did get more rain than we have in years past. The vegetation in the park has loved it and some have grown like teenagers! Should make for a beautiful spring bloom.

Café will be open Tuesdays through Saturdays, 8:00am to 7:00pm, serving up their wonderful home-cooked style food. Stop in to satisfy those fish-fry and prime rib cravings!

Our “girls”, Minnie and Nala, have done well over summer and aced their vet wellness check-ups!

Poop Happens, and it’s important to do your part

We recently looked up ways to encourage ALL people to pick up after their dogs (and cats), not just the responsible dog owners. It seems to be a battle in every park, every year. *Remember, it is a requirement that you pick up after your pets at Black Rock RV Village*  Below are links to a couple of articles that have some thoughts on the why’s and excuse remedies for those that do not pick up after their pet.  Besides the smelly, grossness of encountering someone’s dog poo pile or worse stepping in it on your morning or evening walks, the mar on any park’s cleanliness and beauty, one of the biggest issues is the contamination of our water supply!

We're a pet-friendly, all-family RV Park near Quartzsite

Loads of Parasites!

Dog waste can take months, or even years to decompose, and in its raw form, can be very detrimental to the soil. Their poop can contain loads of parasites such as ringworm, roundworm, salmonella and giardia, which is contagious to both humans and other animals alike. *Note: We have always bleached our dog park weekly for this reason!

Water Quality

The harmful bacteria from dog poop also affects water quality.  Dog poop is toxic. Dog poop contains parasites that can infect humans, other dogs and animals, and poop and its millions of bacteria can leach into our water system and cause contamination.

Interesting reads:

Why don’t some people pick up..

Solutions for your excuses

Common Courtesy – It’s more important than you think!

“Living with and loving our dogs includes a little poopy dirty work, and that’s just what we signed up for.” – Sarah Jeanne Terry

Thanks for reading. We look forward to a great season with everyone!